Take A Stand Stanislaus is a non-partisan group of grassroots advocates who have taken a stand to restore and defend their God-given rights, constitutional freedoms, and cherished values. Founded in 2021, TASS is focused on building relationships within communities and with local and state elected officials.
TASS is influencing change through community engagement, education, and advocacy while motivating individuals and inspiring them to use their voices effectively. TASS purposefully engages with local and state representatives to ensure concerns around our children and communities are being heard. Organizing town halls, social/ family events, and supporting local representatives are just a few ways TASS is taking a stand.

Keryn Whitlow

Keryn is a mom of two boys, dedicated wife, and registered nurse. As a mom and nurse she was seeing policies and protocols which were impacting our most vulnerable groups and doing more harm than good. Keryn focuses locally to organize a supportive community while putting an emphasis on motivating, informing, and supporting community members. She is a consistent voice for TASS and will continue to show up and HOLD THE FRONTLINE.
Madalynn (Maddie) Baker

Maddie is a loving mother, nursing instructor and compassionate nurse practitioner. Non evidence based policies which compromised her values and impacted children motivated her to take a stand. Maddie’s goal is to purposefully and lovingly advocate for freedom of choice and informed consent. When she’s not working to serve her community or home school her son, she helps facilitate TASS operations and activities.
Stephanie Daigre

Stephanie is a mother, grandmother, wife of a retired combat veteran, a registered nurse, an extremely proud and patriotic American, and a fierce patient and community advocate. She is focused and determined to influence the restoration of morals, ethics, values, and logic within our healthcare systems and governing bodies. Working from a local level all the way up through our state’s legislature, she will not stop advocating for change, no matter what the cost.